Hello from my quarantine to yours! Today’s post is some advice on what I’ve been doing to stay sane and healthy during these uncertain times. The words quarantine and social distancing have so quickly consumed our daily lives. People are losing jobs, gigs and opportunities, and there is a general wave of stress clouding everyone’s consciousness. None of this is in our control, but we can control our own motivation and use this time to look inward, find the positives and make the most of the situation. I’ve rounded up my current routine during lockdown life, and some of my go-to accounts I’m loving for at home workouts to utilize this unprecedented down time!
-Wake up, no phone for at least 15 minutes. I have less anxiety throughout the day if I don’t start the day reading about other people’s stresses. This is key!
-When I’m ready, I head downstairs for my morning routine which includes taking my probiotic.
-I drink an herb mixture of Cordyceps and Schisandra. Cordyceps are wonderful for delivering energy to the muscles, and it’s filled with anti-aging properties and anti-inflammatory properties. Schisandra is known for helping the body effectively manage stress, and is one of my all time favorite beauty tonics to keep my skin and body healthy.
-Up next, I make myself a matcha. I’ve been drinking way too much coffee during this lockdown out of boredom, so I’m now making the effort to give my body a little break. I mix it with a little cinnamon and agave!
I usually read or listen to a podcast while I drink my matcha, and I love to take the time to enjoy this outside if the sun is out!
-I then grab my phone to check my messages and take care of any outstanding business, and then I go for my first workout of the day. I take a 3 mile walk and then do this little full body circuit to warm myself up before I have to do whatever workout my coach sends me. Many workout studios and trainers are now doing Instagram live streaming workouts. Now is the perfect time to experiment, after all no one is watching, so have some fun with it!
Here are some of my favorite accounts for at home workout Inspo listed below. 
Get Hot with Shannon Nadj
Alo Yoga
-It’s easy for these days to feel super long, so after my morning workout, the rest of the day I try to not go stir crazy. I know a lot of you are working from home right now, so just remember to give yourself lunch breaks to step outside for fresh air or just get off your computer and take a minute to stretch and breathe. Drink lots of water so you don’t snack like a maniac all day long.
-I have been making an effort to FaceTime friends every single day. 
-At night, I take a nice long shower, and do a full body scrub using Frank Bod. I’ve been using the coconut flavor for years! Then after drying off, I use mutha body butter all over and dry brush my body down.
-As for the face, I’ve been loving Augustinus Bader Face Cream. This one is pricey but it’s worth the splurge in my opinion. Another product I currently can’t live without is Dr Dennis Gross Peel Pads and Sunday Riley Good Genes. Those are always in my rotation!
-I finish my day with TV or a good movie, with my favorite Pukka cleanse Tea or Anti Anxiety Holy Basil Rose Tea in hand.
A Little Life
The Mindful Athlete
Where the Crawdads Sing 
I hope you are able to implement some of my tips for staying well! Self-care and wellness are more important than ever at the moment. Above all, remember to respect the rules that are given to us pertaining to social distancing and lockdown rules. The longer everyone doesn't get on board with these regulations, the longer we will all have to do it! xx Maika
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