Today, I want to put the spotlight on plyometric training.
Plyometric training refers to explosive compound movements, or in other words jump training, commonly done with bodyweight or very light loads. To train explosiveness, you have to perform each movement as explosively as you possibly can. Sound too complicated? Well, plyometric movements can be as simple as plyo pushups, box jumps and jump squats! The benefits of plyometric exercises are important for athletes and non-athletes alike as it encourages muscle development, agility and endurance, using the whole body as one unit quickly and efficiently.
Unlike other dynamic effort methods, plyometrics put more emphasis on the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) at the start of each rep. That means your muscles can stretch and contract rapidly, and contract even faster when enough force is applied to the stretching function. This method teaches your muscles and tendons to act as springs, giving you more swiftness. This boost in efficiency maximizes the neuromuscular system’s ability to transmit the signal to contract and relax the muscles, ultimately resulting in increased speed and power. Whether you’re a runner like me, working out for fun, or playing beach volleyball with friends, plyometrics effectively boost athletic performance in all capacities.
I like to incorporate plyometric movement as much as I can, especially while I don’t have a gym to do Explosive lifts. Plyos are a great way to get those quick twitch muscles activated and strong. All you girls are always asking how to grow the booty, well here is your answer!
Plyometric training boosts your metabolism and continues that calorie burn for 24-48 hours after your workout is over. Crazy stuff.
By increasing the strength of the tendons through plyometric exercises, you are also actively preventing injuries. Strengthening the tendons improves their elasticity by placing stress on them in a controlled fashion, while also maintaining bone and joint health. 
Remember to warm up properly, cool down and stretch post workout. If you’re new to plyometrics, don’t be afraid to start slow and controlled, you will build speed and height with your jumps in no time.
Check out this post on my instagram account @ohsomaika that includes a fun full body circuit that features some simple plyometric movements that you can incorporate into your routine! xx Maika
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